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Ma' Questers Kismet

Ma' Questers Kismet

Posted by Dawn F., Ma' Questers Antiques on Feb 6th 2024

Ma' Questers Antiques' website has been live for twelve days. In just a short amount of time, we have much to celebrate - we now have over 100 products listed, we made two sales to people we didn't know, we have one email subscriber, and we have received numerous contact request forms. Most of these requests are from SEO specialists. I appreciate their art, but come on, man - the site just launched, and somehow you found it. Please reach out to me in eight months. Other notes were compliments and constructive feedback from friends - thank you -but one contact form stood out. It was a contact form from a gentleman named Maquester - I know, I wasn't aware it was a male's name either. Maquester was not upset about the similarity to his name. Actually, he was tickled as he rarely sees his name in public. For those of you who know me, the founder of Ma' Questers Antiques personally, you know I am inquisitive; so, after replying to Maquester, my next move was to Google search the meaning of the name, and that is when I knew the name I chose for my antique business was Kismet!

Maquester means travel lover and good understanding. It fits! I want to be known as having a good knowledge of antiquities, and I love to travel to find them - well, I love to travel, period. even showed an acrostic definition of the name, and, heck, I love it too:

M - Mighty - My goal is to slowly grow influence in the world of antiques.

A - Ambitious - I have a solid determination to succeed. I love my day job in corporate America, but I want antique dealing and sales to be my exit plan for my late 50s/early 60s. To make that a reality, I must work hard during the week at my day job and devote weekends to growing my antique business. Any working mom with two jobs balancing wife, kids, daughter, and friends knows that doing two jobs well is ambitious.

Q - Quiet - I want to learn and listen to others, which requires me to be quiet.

U - Unflappable - No matter what life throws, we all win when we are unflappable.

E - Elegant - Every antique I purchase, for myself or retail, speaks to me with simple elegance. I hope you feel that as you browse the store.

S - Sincere - I vow always to treat you honestly and sincerely. And, if you feel I haven't, let's talk.

T - Truth - I strive to have all my antique product pictures and descriptions convey the truth about each item. I do much research, but I am human, so if you see something, say something.

E - Energetic - I have a 5th gear and high passion. I can be a lot, but those who love me love me! God bless my family :-).

R - Respect - I strive to always regard the feelings, wishes, rights, and traditions of others. It is part of why I love antiques. One gets to learn so much about the culture and lives of others.

For those who think the meaning and acrostic of the name Ma' Questers is too convenient, I swear, it's kismet!